Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Turning Point Community Church Lead Pastor John Wagner Connects With Non-Profit

While founding a large-scale international ministry can be out of reach for many local churches, forging partnerships with nonprofit organizations can lead to fruitful ministry opportunities around the world. Nonprofits can provide the foundation, structure, and staffing to help any church – regardless of its size – take its ministry out into the world. At Turning Point Community Church in Lubbock, Texas, Pastor John Wagner has helped the church develop an international focus through strategic connections with several global nonprofits. Pastor John Wagner aims to see his church serve its local community and become part of a global society. He believes that working with people in need follows the example of Jesus Christ, who helped people who were sick or injured regardless of their situation.

Turning Point Community Church connects congregation members with nonprofits through an easy-to-find list of links on its website. Pastor John Wagner and the church staff have chosen to promote nonprofits that work closely with people in need in international communities. Donations to the organizations provide everything ranging from school uniforms for children to fair trade products created by entrepreneurs in developing countries. In some cases, people who provide donations can have direct contact with the people in developing countries who receive their assistance.

For example, New Missions, which has worked in Haiti since 1983, has built churches, medical clinics, elementary schools, and a Bible college. As a result of New Missions’ efforts, more than 10,000 children have the daily opportunity to attend school, enjoy hot meals, and receive medical care. The organization asks people to sponsor a Haitian child with a small monthly donation that helps to provide for his or her needs. Sponsorships can help children to move out of poverty and become Christian leaders who can bring change to Haiti. Sponsors can exchange letters and pictures with the children that they sponsor, which helps a relationship to develop.

Other organizations that Turning Point Community Church supports include Compassion, World Vision, Simple Acts Ministry, and the A21 Campaign. The organizations focus on issues such as human trafficking, incarceration, and a lack of clean water and food.

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